Are seeker sensitive churches Biblical?
In answering the question about whether “seeker sensitive†churches are Biblical, it makes sense to investigate what the Bible says about the local church. The “first church†recorded in the New Testament is found in Acts 2:41-47. The key verse in this passage that describes the “Biblical†church is verse 42, “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine, and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.â€
So, if a church is faithfully involved in these four ministry areas, it is following the Biblical model. Now, if what a “seeker sensitive†church does negates any of these areas, it would be less than Biblical. The “apostles’ doctrine†is the teaching and preaching of the whole counsel of God from the Scriptures. If a church is neglecting to present messages that cover the cardinal truths of the Bible, such as sin, salvation, sanctification, and the Savior, Jesus Christ, then it is less than Biblical. The idea of “fellowship†is the mutual sharing of spiritual things. If a church is not allowing for this type of sharing, it is less than Biblical. The “breaking of bread†is the observance of the Lord’s Supper in communion. If a church doesn’t do this on a regular basis, it is less than Biblical. Finally, “prayers†are those communications with the Lord, both private and public, that show that a church is depending on Him for guidance and strength. If a church disregards this, it is less than Biblical.
If a church is faithful in these areas, it is Biblical, regardless of whether it is “seeker sensitive.†Because a church worships with contemporary Christian music, allows for casual attire, or includes innovative things like drama, it isn’t necessarily un-Biblical. Be reminded of Romans 14:19, “Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another.â€
But if a “seeker sensitive†church is compromising in one of the Biblical areas, then the leaders of the church are in need of prayer and submission to the Word and the Holy Spirit.