
Pastor Dan Russell, a graduate of Calvary Bible College in Kansas City, Missouri, Trinity Theological Seminary in Newburgh, Indiana, and most recently earning his Doctorate in Biblical Studies from Bethany Divinity School, has over 40 years of pastoral experience, serving in five different churches in Missouri, Kansas, and Michigan. Pastor Dan was ordained into the Gospel ministry in 1981 and has enjoyed an uninterrupted local church ministry since taking his first pastoral staff position in 1980. He graduated with honors from both Bible College and Seminary.

Pastor Dan has also been involved in the community by providing leadership for several local ministers’ associations, sitting on the Downriver Family YMCA Board of Directors, teaching as an adjunct professor for Cornerstone University, Spring Arbor University, as well as serving as a Police Chaplain, Hospital Chaplain, and Corporate Chaplain. He is a certified Christian counselor and has received training as a Spiritual Advisor for Hospice, a ministry to the terminally ill. He has also ministered in the areas of Christian broadcasting as a program announcer and on-the-air preacher, as well as being involved in Christian Camping as a camp director.

Pastor Dan has written numerous articles as a correspondent for GotQuestions.org and many of the questions and answers are a feature of his web site. He also writes Christian poetry that focuses on pastoral ministry, which is also a web site feature. His blogs on the web site will give readers a sense of his passion for Christ, Christians, and the local church.

Pastor Dan resides in a suburb of Detroit, Michigan, with his wife, JoLinda, who is a certified teacher in Music Education, with a master’s degree in Computer Information Systems. He has three adult children, Ryan, Rebecca, and Rachel, two of whom are married and one engaged to be married, along with two grandchildren. His spare time is spent with his family as well as pursuing hobbies such as making pottery on a potter’s wheel, sport fencing, and pheasant hunting. His accomplishments include gaining a federal communications license, a commercial driver’s license, and a private pilot’s license.

Pastor Dan’s “Bible passage to live by” is Philippians 1:20-21, “My earnest expectation and hope is that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or death. For me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.