Pastoring The Flock

O, Lord, great and wondrous joys have been mine
Since I sensed Your will in that “call” divine,

That call to pray, and preach, and pastor,
To shepherd the flock as unto the Master,

The Master; my Savior, my Lord, and my Guide,
Who in the midst of the ministry has stayed by my side

No, I’ve not always done the best I can,
But in love and compassion Your people understand.

And, Lord, in the successes and victories,
May I always praise You and realize it wasn’t me…

It wasn’t me that empowered that prayer
As a child of Yours felt Your comforting care.

And it was more than me that preached that sermon,
For the impact and result were spirit determined.

Yes, Lord, every time I perform in my pastoral role,
I know You’re there to accomplish Your spiritual goal.

So, help me maintain in my dedication to You, and to them,
Thus, their dependence on You should, then, never dim.

And, one day, in Heaven, when face-to-face we’ll be,
I’ll thank You eternally for entrusting them to me!