My Traveling Psalm (Inspired by Psalm 121)

I’ve gone on a journey beyond this sod,
As I’ve lifted my eyes to the hills of God.
The hand of the Lord has been my eternal aid
As my travel plans I’d already made.

With Christ I was willing to take my stand,
And, by faith, be upheld by God’s right hand.
And through the days of my Christian walk,
I looked for opportunities of my Savior to talk.

As the years went by I knew the love of life,
And the faithful devotion of a godly wife.
And the joys I had in being a father
Overwhelmed any sense of duty or bother.

And, now, my God has preserved my soul,
As up yonder my name has been called from the roll
And, just as my God preserved me in time,
He makes my face in eternity to shine.

Now as you bear your sorrows there, on earth’s side,
Please realize that I have not really died,
But have entered God’s rest forevermore,
And will be waiting for you at heaven’s door!