O, Preacher, preach it all to me,
To the whole counsel of God I do agree,
So, no matter how long it takes to do,
preach the Word, Old Testament and New.
Tell me of sin and self and of the Savior,
Of the power of Christ to change my behavior,
That I can be justified, and sanctified, and glorified too,
Give me a reason each Sunday to sit in this pew.
For I sit here before you each week,
But it’s a word from God I really seek,
And as long as you preach the Book of books,
I’ll find your shortcomings overlooked.
So, Preacher, preach it all to me,
And God, by His Spirit will cause me to see…
To see His way in and through your sermon
To see His will in my life determined.
O, Preacher, preach it all to me,
So when it’s all said and done,
We can give glory to God, you see!